Our Grants Training offers a range of training courses to suit all levels of experience

There is a pile of other excellent grants training webinars in our library as well as free grant writing examples. Check them out below. If you are starting out in grants, we recommend starting with our Beginner Webinar: Building your Grants Strategy, before moving on to more advanced topics.

Questions about our Grants Training webinars or suggestions for topics? Please get in touch at info@strategicgrants.co.nz

Best Practice Grant Seeking Workshops

We are excited to be on the road, delivering our highly sought-after Grant-Seeker Workshops face-to-face!

You will learn everything you need, to set up a robust grant-seeking strategy. Plus you will have templates, checklists and a pile of grant writing tips to follow. 

The workshop covers: 

  • An overview of the current grants landscape
  • Getting your organisation ‘grant ready’
  • Guide to packaging projects
  • Feedback from funders on why applications do or don’t succeed 
  • Donor relationships
  • Grant writing – how to write a great grant application, including examples
  • Evaluation and reporting to engage your donors.

The Strategic Grants Best Practice Grant Seeking Workshops are often heralded as the best grants training attendees have completed. 

View all upcoming workshops here.

Community Grant Seeker Training

Are you looking to win grants for your small, community-based nonprofit organisation?

This simple grants training resource is designed specifically for you. Strategic Grants’ Community Grant-Seeker Training is designed to:

  • Deliver a step-by-step guide to preparing great grant applications
  • Be specifically used by New Zealand community groups, voluntary organisations, and grassroots nonprofits
  • Provide practical examples, checklists and downloadable templates for you to use both now and for future applications

This training has been created specifically for volunteer-led, community-based nonprofits raising less than $500,000 per year, who are applying for grants occasionally.

Purchase our Community Grant Seeker Training Manual here


These Grants Training Podcasts deliver you the GEMS of grants wisdom that we have collected on our blog over the years. Listen on your phone, laptop or digital listening device. Tune your radio dial into one of our Podcasts now

Strategic Grants Podcasts


Our Blog library shares years of grants writing and grants training experience and success across all areas of grants best practice. The latest thought articles, updates from conferences, grant tips in our extensive Blog library.

Upcoming Training
Why Strategic Grants?

“Thank you, a most enjoyable and informative morning. I will be referring to the notes consistently for my upcoming applications.”

Pacific Pathways

Webinar Library

Learn in your own time, with webinars available to be viewed for 30 days from date of purchase.